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Does the master work and the dog secretly demolish the house? There are at least four ways to make it honest

It is normal for dogs to have separation anxiety, because in nature, dogs live with other dogs for 7 × No separation for 24 hours. It wants to be like us when it is at home.

But there is still a difference between people and dogs. Modern urban people have to go to school to learn or move bricks to earn money, rather than hunting with dogs like primitive people. So we must go to work, go to school and leave the family temporarily. At this time, dogs have nothing to do at home, so they have to vent their energy. It is normal to dismantle their homes.

So we should separate something that is very unnatural and make it feel natural. We should use some methods to achieve this:

First, before leaving home, you should give it enough exercise, because its physical ability can be released after exercise, so it will not open its home.

Second, you can put some of your clothes in its nest, and let it smell our smell with worn clothes. It will feel more relieved.

Third, when we go out, we should not be too excited. For example, we should say to it, “Egg tarts are gone. Bye bye” – once you do this, it will get excited. But if you normally go out and close the door, nothing happens, it will feel that this is a very natural thing.

Fourth, we also have to collect things at home so that they can’t be eaten indiscriminately. But it still hopes that something can vent its energy? We can use a food leak ball (which can contain food) or a smelling pad to let it vent its energy and find what it thinks is fun+wants to eat. Then it will vent its energy on these things without biting and tearing down the house. The dog will feel fun and relieved at home, and he will not be anxious when we leave home.

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The “10 kinds of dogs” with super fast running speed are comparable to cars!

Dogs can run at a speed of 70km/h. Now let’s take a look at the “10 kinds of dogs” running at super fast speed, some of which are comparable to cars.

Type 1: Greyhound

The fastest running dog is the Greyhound, which is an ancient breed of dog. Its shape has not changed since ancient times. A visual hunting dog that was first trained to use vision to track prey. Its speed can reach 64 kilometers per hour. However, this dog prototype is not exquisite, but it is also suitable for use as a family dog.

Type 2: Dalmatian

It is commonly known as the spotted dog. In the 19th century, it was a favorite carriage guard dog of British and French noblewomen. Due to the past work needs, the Dalmatian dog has good speed and endurance. In summary, its outdoor ability is excellent and experienced, and it is more suitable for people who like running, skating, hiking and swimming.

Category 3: Alaska

Alaska is obviously a dog with well-developed legs and a poor brain. Although he is very big and weighs a lot, he always believes that he is a baby in his self-awareness. If he has nothing to do, he should be hugged by his master. But once Allah returned to his job and pulled the sled, the speed was still strong! It’s just that when you are bored, you will use your physical strength to destroy.

Type 4: Whipple Dog

The Whipple Dog is a real sporting hound, able to run the maximum distance with the least movement. The impression is beautiful and harmonious, muscular, strong and powerful, and extremely elegant and beautiful. Streamlined shape is the requirement of speed. It has long and slender limbs and a thin, soft body, so that it will not be inferior in the competition.

Category 5: Jack Russell Terrier

With unlimited energy and flexibility, Jack Russell Terrier, a curious and alert Jack Russell Terrier, stands out in the regular obstacle run. Besides, he is also a narcissistic dog who always wants to prove his speed and posture. Therefore, he is keen on digging, barking, chasing and biting. Although he is cute and can play, he is also difficult to teach.

Category 6: Australian Shepherd Dog

Like border herders, Australian Shepherds work as herders, so Australian Shepherds have developed the habit of wandering around in an open space. Their workaholic nature makes them happy at work, so their flexibility and endurance are very good, and they are high-quality athletes in various obstacle events.

The 7th kind: Weizla hound

Weizla hound is a dog born for hunting. Although its speed is not as strong as that of other dogs, it has stamina and strong drive to run in the wild. It is also a warm dog at home, easy to train, and has always performed very well as a companion dog.

Class 8: Great Dane

The Great Dane is the largest dog breed in the world, and its size is the same as that of a pony. Although it looks tall and clumsy, it can run at a speed of 30 miles per hour. The Great Dane also has a little Gongju in his heart. Asking for cuddle is also cute to many netizens.

Type 9: Husky

How could Husky, a dog who always runs around his master, not be selected? As a famous expression pack in the pet industry, Erha is well-known for its running speed, endurance, agility and executive power, which is very cute in contrast. Erha has thick double layer hair, so it is not recommended to breed in hot weather areas.

If you want to improve Erha’s house splitting behavior, first, you need to meet your sports needs. Second, you can use dog snacks (such as chicken jerky) as a reward for training. If you do well, you can reward them. In this way, they will work better with you.

Category 10: Border Collie

Compared with the frontier herdsman’s IQ, which always ranks first, the speed in the seventh place is obviously not good enough. The frontier herdsman is a typical bully. He has a good brain, good sports ability, good appearance, and strong endurance. Let the frontier herdsman and other dogs run together for half an hour. The first one to run and lie down is not the frontier herdsman.

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How to write a resume?

The resume is generally based on your work experience or internship experience to explore your own advantages, quantify your past with data, and make HR interested. It is generally simple and focused.

I will take you to write your first resume and introduce yourself in a low profile. Mm-hmm. I have seen thousands of resumes and interviewed hundreds of fresh graduates and many part-time HR interns who like soy sauce.

Before writing, please make sure you take a very nice professional photo, and then let the designer refine it repeatedly. The more beautiful the girls are, the more handsome the boys are.

Because HR in charge of recruitment will receive hundreds of resumes every day, and it usually takes about ten seconds to read the resume. If you have a good job photo, HR will look at you more.

Freshmen and interns, in fact, do not have the same ability, they are almost the same, and they need to be re trained after entering the job.

So good-looking and handsome may be the decisive factor for admission. This is a face watching world, so go to take a good job photo first, and then work hard to repair the picture.

Photos are so important, so resume layout is even more important, because the resume should be concise and clear, making people feel comfortable.

Too cool resume is dazzling, and too full resume is not allowed. Important information can be highlighted. Don’t be flashy and dominate.

After the photos and typesetting are solved, we will start to solve the rest of the resume.

Basic personal information

Basic personal information includes name, age, residence, political status and mobile phone. These are required, and you can also add a contact email.

educational background

Education background is the most important core competitiveness for new students or interns to apply for jobs. If you are a 985211 graduate from a famous university, you are very popular with enterprises.

At this time, it is necessary to highlight the professional background, professional achievement points or the competition results achieved by the profession.

Of course, most of the students are not from famous schools, and even many of them do not have much professional advantages. At this time, you can simply write down your education background and highlight your professional advantages.

If the educational background has no advantage, you can compete through other internship experience or personal skills, because enterprises do not always give priority to students from famous schools, and talents suitable for enterprises are the most important.

Job hunting intention

In fact, many students do not know what job they want to do or what job is suitable for them. When they first write their resumes, they will ignore it.

However, if you ignore the intention to apply for a job, you will send a signal to the enterprise that you are unstable. The enterprise needs stable employees. You must remember that the enterprise is to make money, and the company is not a school to help you find your life direction.

If the graduates are not clear about their job hunting intentions, the enterprise may think that you will leave at any time, and the enterprise will have employment risks. In order to avoid recruitment risks, it is the best recruitment policy for enterprises not to hire new graduates who have no job hunting intentions.

Therefore, in any case, you should write down your intention to apply for a job, and your intention to apply for a job must be related to your major, so that you can have an advantage in applying for a job.

However, in many cases, the last job of many fresh graduates has little to do with their major.

If you are not interested in the relevant positions in your major, and you have not tried to find another job before, you may not find a job.

Because the most easily employable fresh graduates are all looking for professional related jobs, they must be clear about their intention to apply for jobs earlier.

Otherwise, when applying for a job, if you change your intention temporarily, you will have to accumulate again. Without professional advantages, you will suffer a lot later. It’s not empty talk to change careers for three years.

Internship experience

It must be clear that not only the experience of working in the company is called internship experience. Many schools will prepare to hold professional assessment of internship on campus. You can write down the projects or internship assessment experience you have experienced in the school.

Because the internship program of the school is similar to that of the company, we must highlight what skills we have learned or achieved through this internship.

Business people can write as follows: One week, they worked out a project PPT and organized 30 students to do a charity sale, and sold 2000 yuan of goods

Technical students can write as follows: within one month, they built an in school student management system with two students, in which they were responsible for the database module and solved the problem of high concurrency.

In short, the results of the internship must be quantifiable and logical, so that HR can easily feel that the internship experience is credible.

If there is really no good experience to write about, the best way is to write down the students’ internship experience, and then understand the students’ internship experience.

During the interview, you can brag, but the premise is that you really understand, otherwise it is easy to reveal the truth. Alas, classmates, without strength, you will be very painful and hollow if you brag

Although I don’t support cheating, there is no way

However, the students will understand that boasting is also a very powerful work ability.

Personal skills

The fourth and sixth grades are necessary for job hunting, so this is the threshold for many job hunting, as well as PPT, WORD, EXCEL, which must be written

In fact, many students are unfamiliar with what they use before working, but it doesn’t matter, because they use it while learning after working.

I didn’t use it well when I was looking for a job. Now I can write PPT while Baidu is doing it. After all, the system is becoming more and more intelligent.

However, when applying for a job, you must write down these skills. College students who do not know PPT, WORD or EXCEL will actually read in vain. What do you think of HR?

Then, there are some job skills relative to job hunting, such as accounting certificate, securities industry qualification certificate, etc., if any, you must write them all.

Personal skills are not only certificates, but also communication skills, speech skills and organizational skills, which are comprehensive qualities.

It can be illustrated by examples, for example, having good speech ability and hosting the school sports meeting. Organizational ability: served as monitor for many years, often organized class activities, communication ability: had a lot of love, high EQ, can chat.

As for self-evaluation, many resume templates have a column of self-evaluation. Many students think that they must write it, but in fact, they really don’t need to write it.

Because your resume as a whole is your self-evaluation. If you write your self-evaluation separately, many students will easily fail to write it well, giving people the feeling of boasting.


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2022 ranking list of car models with the highest death rate in the world

What are the 2022 car crash mortality model rankings? Safety is the most important aspect of a car. After all, once an accident occurs, the safety of the car is also the last protection wall for passengers. Therefore, in order to travel safely, we must also consider the safety performance of a car when buying a car. Next, let’s take a look at the ten cars with the highest mortality in the world.

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что лучше для самочуствия человека?

Прежде, чем использовать те или иные препараты, мы предлагаем Вам пройти полную или выборочную диагностику Вашего организма, основанную  на многомерной модели человека, как единого целого.  При диагностике применяются различные методы, такие, как компьютерная диагностика кожи, волос, ЖКТ, по капле крови, спектроскопия, биолокация, прикладная кинезиология, а также  на основании обработки данных тестов и симптомов. В результате выявляются перегруженные  системы организма на данный момент, причины этих расстройств  и подбирается комплексная программа оздоровления с индивидуальными дозировками минералов и витаминов, которые нужны именно Вашему организму в данный момент  и позволяющие улучшить состояние этих органов и систем организма.  
                Для этого практически все препараты предлагаемые компанией Vitanit, выпускаются  в  форме легко дозируемых порошков  или гелей.  Кроме того, даются общие рекомендации по оздоровлению в Вашем конкретном случае. Ознакомившись со всеми способами диагностики, Вы можете подобрать для себя наиболее подходящие. 

  1. Kia K2

The Kia K2 is a very good city scooter. It looks very fashionable from the outside, but the quality of the car is not good, and the reduction is very serious, and the safety is also very poor. Especially in the ranking list of major death rate cars, the Kia K2 is almost on the list. In the event of a major accident, driving the Kia K2 is very likely to be a car crash, Therefore, the car model with the highest mortality rate is also the first.

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и многое другоеЗолото, серебро или железо,
что лучше для самочуствия человека?

Прежде, чем использовать те или иные препараты, мы предлагаем Вам пройти полную или выборочную диагностику Вашего организма, основанную  на многомерной модели человека, как единого целого.  При диагностике применяются различные методы, такие, как компьютерная диагностика кожи, волос, ЖКТ, по капле крови, спектроскопия, биолокация, прикладная кинезиология, а также  на основании обработки данных тестов и симптомов. В результате выявляются перегруженные  системы организма на данный момент, причины этих расстройств  и подбирается комплексная программа оздоровления с индивидуальными дозировками минералов и витаминов, которые нужны именно Вашему организму в данный момент  и позволяющие улучшить состояние этих органов и систем организма.  
                Для этого практически все препараты предлагаемые компанией Vitanit, выпускаются  в  форме легко дозируемых порошков  или гелей.  Кроме того, даются общие рекомендации по оздоровлению в Вашем конкретном случае. Ознакомившись со всеми способами диагностики, Вы можете подобрать для себя наиболее подходящие. 

  1. Nissan Sunshine

From the appearance, Nissan Sunshine can be said to be old fashioned, and the interior is also very cheap. Although Nissan Sunshine is very fuel efficient, it is a good choice for transportation, but you will have no sense of safety when driving it. The quality is poor, and you don’t have to say how to reduce the configuration. In addition, the car is still crunchy, and it almost breaks up in a collision. In case of an accident, it is difficult to ensure that passengers can get off the car and see the “sunshine” of tomorrow, So this car is also a regular passenger on the mortality list.

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и многое другоеЗолото, серебро или железо,
что лучше для самочуствия человека?

Прежде, чем использовать те или иные препараты, мы предлагаем Вам пройти полную или выборочную диагностику Вашего организма, основанную  на многомерной модели человека, как единого целого.  При диагностике применяются различные методы, такие, как компьютерная диагностика кожи, волос, ЖКТ, по капле крови, спектроскопия, биолокация, прикладная кинезиология, а также  на основании обработки данных тестов и симптомов. В результате выявляются перегруженные  системы организма на данный момент, причины этих расстройств  и подбирается комплексная программа оздоровления с индивидуальными дозировками минералов и витаминов, которые нужны именно Вашему организму в данный момент  и позволяющие улучшить состояние этих органов и систем организма.  
                Для этого практически все препараты предлагаемые компанией Vitanit, выпускаются  в  форме легко дозируемых порошков  или гелей.  Кроме того, даются общие рекомендации по оздоровлению в Вашем конкретном случае. Ознакомившись со всеми способами диагностики, Вы можете подобрать для себя наиболее подходящие. 

  1. Hyundai Rena

Hyundai Renault is the choice of many people. From the appearance, the car doesn’t have much bright spots, but it also looks very ordinary. If you think so, it’s wrong. The death rate of Hyundai Renault is also very high. In the event of a collision accident, the protection of passengers by Renault is not in place, so the safety factor is extremely low. So you still have to wake up if you drive this car.

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Индивидуальный подборНатуральная медицина, косметика
и многое другоеЗолото, серебро или железо,
что лучше для самочуствия человека?

Прежде, чем использовать те или иные препараты, мы предлагаем Вам пройти полную или выборочную диагностику Вашего организма, основанную  на многомерной модели человека, как единого целого.  При диагностике применяются различные методы, такие, как компьютерная диагностика кожи, волос, ЖКТ, по капле крови, спектроскопия, биолокация, прикладная кинезиология, а также  на основании обработки данных тестов и симптомов. В результате выявляются перегруженные  системы организма на данный момент, причины этих расстройств  и подбирается комплексная программа оздоровления с индивидуальными дозировками минералов и витаминов, которые нужны именно Вашему организму в данный момент  и позволяющие улучшить состояние этих органов и систем организма.  
                Для этого практически все препараты предлагаемые компанией Vitanit, выпускаются  в  форме легко дозируемых порошков  или гелей.  Кроме того, даются общие рекомендации по оздоровлению в Вашем конкретном случае. Ознакомившись со всеми способами диагностики, Вы можете подобрать для себя наиболее подходящие. 

  1. Nissan Machi

At first glance, Nissan Machi looks very cute and round. This kind of appearance is popular with female consumers, and this model is also a good choice for urban transportation. It is small and fuel efficient. However, the biggest disadvantage is that the safety is not satisfactory. In case of an accident, it is almost impossible to expect Nissan Machi to protect passengers well.

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Индивидуальный подборНатуральная медицина, косметика
и многое другоеЗолото, серебро или железо,
что лучше для самочуствия человека?

Прежде, чем использовать те или иные препараты, мы предлагаем Вам пройти полную или выборочную диагностику Вашего организма, основанную  на многомерной модели человека, как единого целого.  При диагностике применяются различные методы, такие, как компьютерная диагностика кожи, волос, ЖКТ, по капле крови, спектроскопия, биолокация, прикладная кинезиология, а также  на основании обработки данных тестов и симптомов. В результате выявляются перегруженные  системы организма на данный момент, причины этих расстройств  и подбирается комплексная программа оздоровления с индивидуальными дозировками минералов и витаминов, которые нужны именно Вашему организму в данный момент  и позволяющие улучшить состояние этих органов и систем организма.  
                Для этого практически все препараты предлагаемые компанией Vitanit, выпускаются  в  форме легко дозируемых порошков  или гелей.  Кроме того, даются общие рекомендации по оздоровлению в Вашем конкретном случае. Ознакомившись со всеми способами диагностики, Вы можете подобрать для себя наиболее подходящие. 

  1. Chevrolet Avio

The exterior design of Chevrolet Evoque is masculine, a strong American style, and the interior design is also very tough, which does not reflect the feeling of being cheap, and the price is also very cheap. However, because the body is too short, there is not enough buffer space in the event of a collision accident, which can not provide good protection for the passengers, so the safety factor is relatively low.

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и многое другоеЗолото, серебро или железо,
что лучше для самочуствия человека?

Прежде, чем использовать те или иные препараты, мы предлагаем Вам пройти полную или выборочную диагностику Вашего организма, основанную  на многомерной модели человека, как единого целого.  При диагностике применяются различные методы, такие, как компьютерная диагностика кожи, волос, ЖКТ, по капле крови, спектроскопия, биолокация, прикладная кинезиология, а также  на основании обработки данных тестов и симптомов. В результате выявляются перегруженные  системы организма на данный момент, причины этих расстройств  и подбирается комплексная программа оздоровления с индивидуальными дозировками минералов и витаминов, которые нужны именно Вашему организму в данный момент  и позволяющие улучшить состояние этих органов и систем организма.  
                Для этого практически все препараты предлагаемые компанией Vitanit, выпускаются  в  форме легко дозируемых порошков  или гелей.  Кроме того, даются общие рекомендации по оздоровлению в Вашем конкретном случае. Ознакомившись со всеми способами диагностики, Вы можете подобрать для себя наиболее подходящие. 

  1. Chery QQ

Chery QQ can tell from its appearance that it is not a very safe car. In fact, the price of Chery QQ is very low, so in order to control the production cost, Chery QQ is also reduced everywhere. It’s just a small matter that the car is light, poor quality, and the safety is not guaranteed. What really scares people is that it is easy to roll over when driving fast, so it’s better to drive Chery QQ carefully.

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Индивидуальный подборНатуральная медицина, косметика
и многое другоеЗолото, серебро или железо,
что лучше для самочуствия человека?

Прежде, чем использовать те или иные препараты, мы предлагаем Вам пройти полную или выборочную диагностику Вашего организма, основанную  на многомерной модели человека, как единого целого.  При диагностике применяются различные методы, такие, как компьютерная диагностика кожи, волос, ЖКТ, по капле крови, спектроскопия, биолокация, прикладная кинезиология, а также  на основании обработки данных тестов и симптомов. В результате выявляются перегруженные  системы организма на данный момент, причины этих расстройств  и подбирается комплексная программа оздоровления с индивидуальными дозировками минералов и витаминов, которые нужны именно Вашему организму в данный момент  и позволяющие улучшить состояние этих органов и систем организма.  
                Для этого практически все препараты предлагаемые компанией Vitanit, выпускаются  в  форме легко дозируемых порошков  или гелей.  Кроме того, даются общие рекомендации по оздоровлению в Вашем конкретном случае. Ознакомившись со всеми способами диагностики, Вы можете подобрать для себя наиболее подходящие. 

  1. Kia RIO

The appearance of Kia RIO looks mellow and plump, and the interior design is simple and generous. Although Kia RIO gives people a sense of mediocrity, in fact, the safety factor of Kia RIO is also relatively low. If there is a small accident in Kia RIO, it may be to wipe some red potion and a little drop of liquor, but if there is a serious accident, it is almost impossible to survive.

Хотите улучшить здоровье, нормализовать вес?
Пройдите бесплатный тест на состояние здоровья,
подберите подходящую Вам косметику и выявите продукты, необходимые Вам к похудению!
Индивидуальный подборНатуральная медицина, косметика
и многое другоеЗолото, серебро или железо,
что лучше для самочуствия человека?

Прежде, чем использовать те или иные препараты, мы предлагаем Вам пройти полную или выборочную диагностику Вашего организма, основанную  на многомерной модели человека, как единого целого.  При диагностике применяются различные методы, такие, как компьютерная диагностика кожи, волос, ЖКТ, по капле крови, спектроскопия, биолокация, прикладная кинезиология, а также  на основании обработки данных тестов и симптомов. В результате выявляются перегруженные  системы организма на данный момент, причины этих расстройств  и подбирается комплексная программа оздоровления с индивидуальными дозировками минералов и витаминов, которые нужны именно Вашему организму в данный момент  и позволяющие улучшить состояние этих органов и систем организма.  
                Для этого практически все препараты предлагаемые компанией Vitanit, выпускаются  в  форме легко дозируемых порошков  или гелей.  Кроме того, даются общие рекомендации по оздоровлению в Вашем конкретном случае. Ознакомившись со всеми способами диагностики, Вы можете подобрать для себя наиболее подходящие. 

  1. Kiashur

Kia Shore has a very special appearance, a little like Japan’s K-Car. I believe that many domestic consumers are not very interested in this model of car, and people who don’t know about it think you drive a van. In fact, the Kia Sauer is also a car with poor safety. In case of an accident, the Kia Sauer is basically a poor car, so it is also a car with high mortality.

Хотите улучшить здоровье, нормализовать вес?
Пройдите бесплатный тест на состояние здоровья,
подберите подходящую Вам косметику и выявите продукты, необходимые Вам к похудению!
Индивидуальный подборНатуральная медицина, косметика
и многое другоеЗолото, серебро или железо,
что лучше для самочуствия человека?

Прежде, чем использовать те или иные препараты, мы предлагаем Вам пройти полную или выборочную диагностику Вашего организма, основанную  на многомерной модели человека, как единого целого.  При диагностике применяются различные методы, такие, как компьютерная диагностика кожи, волос, ЖКТ, по капле крови, спектроскопия, биолокация, прикладная кинезиология, а также  на основании обработки данных тестов и симптомов. В результате выявляются перегруженные  системы организма на данный момент, причины этих расстройств  и подбирается комплексная программа оздоровления с индивидуальными дозировками минералов и витаминов, которые нужны именно Вашему организму в данный момент  и позволяющие улучшить состояние этих органов и систем организма.  
                Для этого практически все препараты предлагаемые компанией Vitanit, выпускаются  в  форме легко дозируемых порошков  или гелей.  Кроме того, даются общие рекомендации по оздоровлению в Вашем конкретном случае. Ознакомившись со всеми способами диагностики, Вы можете подобрать для себя наиболее подходящие. 

  1. Chevrolet Sparkle

The Spark is a relatively popular model under Chevrolet. I believe that few people have heard of it. The shape of the Spark is similar to the Eveo in both compartments, but the design is not as tough as the Eveo. In terms of appearance, the Spark will be more elegant. In terms of safety coefficient, the Spark is not much better than the Eveo. It is basically a tofu brother that breaks up after a collision.

Хотите улучшить здоровье, нормализовать вес?
Пройдите бесплатный тест на состояние здоровья,
подберите подходящую Вам косметику и выявите продукты, необходимые Вам к похудению!
Индивидуальный подборНатуральная медицина, косметика
и многое другоеЗолото, серебро или железо,
что лучше для самочуствия человека?

Прежде, чем использовать те или иные препараты, мы предлагаем Вам пройти полную или выборочную диагностику Вашего организма, основанную  на многомерной модели человека, как единого целого.  При диагностике применяются различные методы, такие, как компьютерная диагностика кожи, волос, ЖКТ, по капле крови, спектроскопия, биолокация, прикладная кинезиология, а также  на основании обработки данных тестов и симптомов. В результате выявляются перегруженные  системы организма на данный момент, причины этих расстройств  и подбирается комплексная программа оздоровления с индивидуальными дозировками минералов и витаминов, которые нужны именно Вашему организму в данный момент  и позволяющие улучшить состояние этих органов и систем организма.  
                Для этого практически все препараты предлагаемые компанией Vitanit, выпускаются  в  форме легко дозируемых порошков  или гелей.  Кроме того, даются общие рекомендации по оздоровлению в Вашем конкретном случае. Ознакомившись со всеми способами диагностики, Вы можете подобрать для себя наиболее подходящие. 

  1. Suzuki Aotuo

Oto is an economical car owned by Suzuki. Due to its compact body and economical fuel economy, it is also a great way for many women to buy vegetables, pick up babies and commute to and from work. The compact car is easy to drive and stop, but it is also dangerous in case of an accident. Because the front and rear buffer spaces are not large, the cab is easy to be invaded in case of a collision, and the protection for passengers is also reduced.

Хотите улучшить здоровье, нормализовать вес?
Пройдите бесплатный тест на состояние здоровья,
подберите подходящую Вам косметику и выявите продукты, необходимые Вам к похудению!
Индивидуальный подборНатуральная медицина, косметика
и многое другоеЗолото, серебро или железо,
что лучше для самочуствия человека?

Прежде, чем использовать те или иные препараты, мы предлагаем Вам пройти полную или выборочную диагностику Вашего организма, основанную  на многомерной модели человека, как единого целого.  При диагностике применяются различные методы, такие, как компьютерная диагностика кожи, волос, ЖКТ, по капле крови, спектроскопия, биолокация, прикладная кинезиология, а также  на основании обработки данных тестов и симптомов. В результате выявляются перегруженные  системы организма на данный момент, причины этих расстройств  и подбирается комплексная программа оздоровления с индивидуальными дозировками минералов и витаминов, которые нужны именно Вашему организму в данный момент  и позволяющие улучшить состояние этих органов и систем организма.  
                Для этого практически все препараты предлагаемые компанией Vitanit, выпускаются  в  форме легко дозируемых порошков  или гелей.  Кроме того, даются общие рекомендации по оздоровлению в Вашем конкретном случае. Ознакомившись со всеми способами диагностики, Вы можете подобрать для себя наиболее подходящие. 

In addition to the safety of cars, we should also learn to drive safely and in a civilized manner. After all, there is no safest car, only the safest way to drive. When everyone can drive safely and in a civilized manner, we believe that the accident rate and mortality rate will be lower. Therefore, safety can not only depend on the quality of cars, but also we should be responsible for life.

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Information for women

Originally a spammer published an article, that we find interesting. Please enjoy.

Not long ago we received the following spam.

The information portal “Lady Case” offers you to get acquainted with interesting, informative materials that are devoted to psychology, relationships with others, your soulmate, self-care rules, finances, self-development and other topics. This site contains only such publications that are of interest to everyone without exception. Therefore, you can easily find answers to all questions.

There is a lot of content here about love, relationships, friendships and how to properly communicate with the opposite sex. So you will learn to understand your loved ones and be on the same wavelength with them. You will also improve relationships and help others.

The important point is that the articles are written in a simple, understandable language, covering topics that you have long wanted to get an answer to. There are tests, calculators, as well as valuable recommendations. Read all the author’s articles on the website (marriage passport seal ) Be sure to read publications that will help you understand yourself, get more income and become financially independent. Articles related to personal growth and career will arouse interest. The topic related to relationships is considered the most popular today. Therefore, here you will see different points of view, opinions of cosmetologists. The site tries to cover such issues as fully as possible in order to help others overcome the crisis and strengthen the union, because female psychology is significantly different from male psychology. Important advantages of the site include:

– only truthful, up-to-date information that relates to relationships, self-care rules and other topics;
– the material is presented in a simple, concise form;
– advice from experts in their field;
– regularly there are new publications that will be interesting for you to read.

Be sure to read the sections on proper self-care and how to stay in good shape. There are useful articles that will help you lose a few extra pounds, restore harmony with yourself, improve skin condition and make your hair more silky, beautiful and crumbly. In addition, you will learn how to most effectively improve your health, resist colds and remain beautiful even at a respectable age. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on this, because improvised means will be able to help you. Visit the site regularly, because new publications are constantly appearing here.

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Honey from Leipzig

On this site we want to show you how our own honey from our beekeeper in Germany, Leipzig, Lausen is won. Let the bees fly!

Before we share the story below, we’d love to share the most important details:
You can order honey through email ( through Whatsapp or other messengers
+49 170 780 20 92 or phone +49 341 248 29 278

There are several types of bees. There is much information on Wikipedia and other sources. Our bees live in houses. Theses houses have wax in them. Bees insert honey in the wax and we can gather the honey with special tools, as seen in the picture below.

red tool to gather honey, honey within wax

After this process we shake the rest of the honey into buckets. No matter if the device is from Germany, Poland or China it all rotates.

Gathering the rest of hoeny through rotation

After this step we can put the rams back to the dwelling of the bees and the bees will build wax and insert honey again.

bee house

Our bees have their own houses with a roof and can directly fly to the desired plants, without leaving their environment. As we do not use any chemical or even biological means of improving plant quality,w e can say it is 100% natural honey from Germany produced by local bees and directly delivered to the end user.

front view
within the bee house

Honig – €5/500ml ein Glas

Bitte Adresse und Überweisungsbeleg an schicken.

Vitanit DE88100110012624623066

Propolis (Tinktur/Lösung sehr stark)
Gelée Royale
Preis auf Anfrage

Bitte schauen Sie auch auf unser Gesundheitswiki.

Wenn Sie für sich, für die Bienen und die Natur etwas Gutes tun wollen epfehlen wir Ihnen zu spenden. Ihr Engangement wird für folgende Sachen verwendet. Alle Beträge können entweder einmalig oder monatlich gespendet werden. Gerne teilen wir Ihnen unsere Kontodaten mit.

Bienenpatenschaft €15

Lokale Imker in in Sachsen und speziell Leipzig unterstützen €40

Banküberweisung innerhalbn Europas:
Vitanit DE88100110012624623066

Gerne bieten wir Ihnen eine Zahlungsart Ihrer Wahl an. Bitte schreiben Sie an

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General dating mindset

Cooking beautiful relationships

While doing personal development work I’ve come up with a wonderful analogy.

A cook turns ingredients into delicious dishes. The taste of the dishes depends on the skill of the cook, but also on the ingredients.

This metaphor can be applied to relationships as well:

You offer up ingredients to a relationship – for example being a funny, witty person. Being generous. Being supportive.

The key here is that the other person whom you’re in a relationship with still has to cook those ingredients to create the relationship. They have to have a certain skill in cooking – otherwise the dishes (the relationship) will not be very good.

On the other hand, if your partner is an excellent cook, and you don’t bring fresh, wonderful ingredients to the table (your character, working on yourself, etc.) the dish will be sub-par – worse quality than if the cook had been using better ingredients.

This of course can be turned around to your relationship with your partner, too: the partner provides the ingredients (e.g. being supportive, being friendly, being a loyal human being). And you cook them.

In essence this shows that the relationship really depends on both parties – their skills and what they bring to the table. If you want to have a great relationship you need to chose a partner who can cook your particular ingredients into a delicious relationship-dish, and you yourself should be able to cook their ingredients into a delicious dish, too.

And if your partner is an unskilled cook (and not willing to work at it) you should accept a simple truth: further ramping up the quality of the ingredients is not going to improve the dish. Because the relationship quality is not entirely in just your own hand, it depends on the partner.

And here’s another secret: that’s where, again, you have a choice – by choosing the right cook, you can ensure that your ingredients get cooked into a delicious relationship, leaving both parties happy and wanting more in the future.

Finally, you can improve your own cooking skills – to turn your relationship into something more beautiful. For example by becoming more aware of the beautiful, generous things your partner is already doing for you and appreciating them more.

Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash

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Dating in the internet – global options

Creative Dating after N – moving on with Tinder, Bumble, a Meetup, and Volunteering

Leave a Comment / Uncategorized / By Max

I had set myself a deadline with N – finding out where we were at. Since the communication with her was, as always, quite ambigious (e.g. no new year’s wishes from her side), I decided to send her a video asking her whether she wants to continue to be just friends or wants more.

She told me that she is in a different relationship already, and that we had tried to explore other options for us before and it didn’t work. She wants to stay friends.

I had to move on. This was mid-January.

There was no relationship waiting for me at the long stretch of emotional desert in the interactions with N.
Photo by Frederik Löwer on Unsplash

After several weeks of pain, I was ready to move on. Emotional processing using the emotional processing tool helped me a lot during this time!

As I’m 38 already, and want to start a family, I now need to pull all the stops. (I’ve dedicated my “best” adult dating years to N – and had chased her for almost four and a half years).

I knew from experience that dating on online dating platforms is a real chore – you write to lots of girls and get little to no results, so I decided to create my own dating systems, and use money to drive faster results where possible. As you see, I’m very mechanistic in some ways, and transfer business process thinking to dating. I guess that’s not very romantic. But I know about sales funnels, and you have to realize that dating is a massive funnel. The more girls which enter the funnel at the top, the more conversions / the higher quality leads you can generate (for the role of a girlfriend …). And since this matters a lot to me, I’m throwing every bit of knowledge I have into this.

The Facebook page & campaign

As I’m running a successful campaign for finding employees on Facebook, my first idea was to “game the system” and run a campaign for myself.

I set up a Facebook page for myself (posting as a “dating service” – with just one person on offer for dates, myself) & recorded a couple of videos. I ran paid ads on Facebook and actually had three women contact me through these ads!

With one of the women – she was significantly younger (26), I actually set up a date. It was supposed to be the first date after the last phase of trying to reconnect to N (I had focused on N completely during it), and I was kind of looking forward to it. I even threw in references to kissing – e.g. saying that we both ought to get a Corona test if we would kiss, and was also toying with the phantasy of sleeping with this woman immediately on the first date.

Those were fantasies it turns out, pure fantasies – she blocked me on Messenger before the date happened. I figured, as I’m blocked the probability that she will show up will be very low. Maybe this was related to my message to her that “I’m already curious to what you’ll be wearing tonight” – maybe also a friend talked “some sense into her that you don’t date random strangers who had advertised on Facebook”. Or maybe she has attachment issues.

In retrospect I’m happy that the date didn’t happen – I was being unfair to this girl, and mostly interested in kissing her, etc., to get “back on track” and “back into the game”. I saw this as a “godsent” from the universe, and wanted this first date to happen to “go along with the plans of the universe”, not because I was genuinely into her. I hope she’ll find happiness with someone.

The other woman who I wrote with said that she has multiple personalities, and I would be dating one of them. An intriguing concept, and I found myself interested in getting to know such a person. I figured possibly a friendship could arise from this; I don’t think dating a person who is splitting their time with other personalities inside would be a sensible idea, as relationships need time from both partners.

I asked her to suggest a place to meet for coffee & cake and never heard back from her.

In the meantime I was getting into YouTube videos about dating. There’s a YouTube channel, “dating advice for men who love women” which shares some probably sensible advice, like checking for a woman’s interest level – e.g. if you suggest a date, and the woman declines but doesn’t make a countersuggestion to move on. This advice (and I KNEW it before restarting with N) would have saved me a lot of time with N if applied, and believed in. To anyone reading this: the interest level of the other person (man or woman) REALLY matters. If they’re not interested, move on!

The third woman seemed the most interesting one, she just asked that she “wanted more information”, but did not engage in further conversation with me.

After spending about 250 € on ads, I figured that this is not working as intended. I think the reason for this is the “hard sell” of trying to induce romantic contact with one completely random person on the Internet. This brought me to think that I could tune the approach.

The Singles Meetup

I had met my only girlfriend so far in Munich, at a Singles Meetup. (It was a very brief relationship by the way – we were incompatible, and also I was deactivating in that relationship, she was trying to make me jealous, etc. – I suspect that I was an FA leaning DA and she an FA leaning AA in this relationship).

I remembered this, and decided that creating my singles meetup, and driving Facebook traffic to the Singles meetup page would be an interesting idea – the girls could meet me in a non-threatening environment. There would be no hard sell. At the same time, I would be able to experience them as well, and engage with the ones I would find most interesting.

The meetup now has 42 members. Lately it started to get more male members. I have an approval system in place, but currently I allow nearly everyone into the meetup to boost the membership count.

I did a couple of meetups, and have met a total of four different women through it. Two of them are smokers, and I’m not interested in having a relationship with a smoker. One of them is outside of the age bracket I’m thinking of going for. According to my sister the fourth one is not very interested in me. Even so, there were interesting conversations, and I continue to learn about different people which I really love.

I believe this meetup idea has still potential in it. I get to choose the meetups I offer – so I can try different interesting activities around Leipzig, and get people to join me. Possibly even friendships will develop out of it.

the age selection in dating

OK, if you must know: I’m looking to date 27 to 32 year old women – the reason is the biological clock of the women. I want to have kids with a woman, and I also want to “vet” her and the relationship with her before marriage. Two years is what I’m being advised is a sensible time to really get to know a person. This would bring us to her being 34 years old, one year of engagement & marriage will bring us to a good child rearing age.

Again, not very romantic I guess, but very pragmatic. After being very unpractical with N (her being in the US, and me “trying to make it work from Germany”), I’ve decided it’s time to become very focused, otherwise the small time window I have will close.

27 by the way seems to me to be an age where a woman is already mature, and knows what she wants. I believe the age gap with younger women would be too high.

the beauty selection in dating: or what should really matter for happily ever after

I’ve read an important book called “The Science of happily ever after: What really matters in the search for true love ” by Ty Tashiro.

It says that men focus on beauty, while women focus on resources (wealth + status). This is due to our ancestors having procreational advantages with such partners – beauty, after all, is an indicator of high gene quality.

Ty claims that today overfocusing on these parameters is detrimental to relationship satisfaction and stability. If we have too high demands and too strict criteria about the looks of our partner, we will only have a smaller subset of partners to choose from. And there are very important other factors to consider – one of them being the attachment style. Non-surprisingly, Ty suggests to go for the secure attachment style. Both avoidant and anxious attachment styles are associated with lower relationship satisfaction, more distress, etc.

Another thing he suggests is to look for low neuroticism, high agreableness, and to avoid the combination high openness + low conscientiousness (which could lead to cheating). You might recognize the big five personality traits theory here. Introversion vs. extroversion were not mentioned specifically as having an impact on relationship satisfaction.

For women he says that the advantages of having a partner who earns more than 70.000 USD are diminishing (it might also have been for the couple having that household income together). A partnership in which the partners earn too little is less stable / less happy, but this effect vanishes after reaching a treshhold. I believe there was another slight improvement in relationship stability after 250.000 USD.

I will add to this (as a 1,74 m tall man) that height should matter less to women, similar to beauty for men – it’s the inner qualities which will make a relationship bliss or hell.

This woman would tick the boxes for me, I really love her smile and her facial features. But I’m being less picky about looks these days, thank you Ty! Photo by Michael Dam on Unsplash

Face2Face and the three women

Face2Face is a nice dating concept which removes the pressure. You join a team (I always select female team members, because why not?) and then you and your team meet different other teams while barhopping. You get to talk to those people for an hour, and it’s actually a really nice system to meet people in a big group. I tried it once again, and had a good time flirting with two women. One of them has a kid already – which for me is a deal-breaker, I want to have my own kids with the woman & her being focused on building a traditional family with me. The other one, I found out, smoked.

We had a good flirting connection, but I didn’t ask her for her number. Face2Face allows you to match people and get their numbers. After debating the situation I decided to give it a go. She and two other women matched me. I didn’t match the one with the kid, but did the two others.

I set up a date with A (the woman who had smoked) & the date did not go very well – we didn’t seem in sync / did not go deep on topics together. I found myself being focused on her face, which wasn’t attractive “enough” for me. I have a thing about chins, and in her case the chin was too broad for my taste. After the date I wrote her that I didn’t feel a connection. In fact I was deactivating even on the evening of the Face2Face, when a man suggested that A and me really had a connection. I said “do you know the movie ‘lost in translation’? It’s about two people feeling disconnected”.

I was surprised by the match of the other woman, let’s call her A2. I believed that A2 had seemed to show interest in another gentleman, and I did not feel a connection with her. I suggested a date for her, (I’m going to the art gallery, care to join?) – she said that she’s busy that weekend. She did not offer a countersuggestion, and as per the YouTube video’s advice I did not continue to pursue her. She did not get back in touch. Fun fact: I then made the art gallery into the first meetup.

Tinder and T

Another dating hack I thought of was using Tinder to “teleport” myself into different cities and see where I liked the “vibe” of the women more. In the city I’m in, many women have tattoos or piercings in weird places (protruding from the nose for example). In Munich I found the women to be more “natural” looking. I associate tattoos with low intelligence (yes, this is a prejudice), and body modifications even more so. They destroy the beauty of the female body for me.

It kind of got out of hand, and I’m glad it did. I started to swipe, and actually got to meet a woman (T) through Tinder.

improving your Tinder profile to get more matches

But we’re getting ahead a little of ourselves. Here’s my advice for Tinder: the pictures matter.

Big surpise, right? But I’m going to tell you what you can do about the pictures: Use an Android app called Attractiveness test. This app uses artificial intelligence to rate your picture.

Run several pictures through the app, and put the ones which have the highest scores into Tinder.

As you can see in the pciture above, two of my pictures have different scores – without cheating / modifying how I look like!

This, my friends, is a massive break-through – I now have about 20 matches in Tinder.

profile text

I put “The map is not the territory” into my profile text, after previously having had a description of how I’m looking to meet someone for a long-term relationship, etc. I believe less is better here, as girls can project what they want onto you.

I believe after changing to “The map is not the territory”, I received more matches. Btw, if a girl asks what it means, I will have an interesting topic with her. So far I haven’t been asked 🙂

the Bejing scammer

An asian woman matched me, and we started to chat. After a while the conversation moved to my WhatsApp. I forget who asked whom.

Tinder was showing her distance as four kilometers from me. She said she is a business woman running an upscale salon in Bejing. When I asked about the story behind it, she said “there is no story”. She then told me something about going to a “western style restaurant” called [Y]. There’s no such restaurant in my city. I asked her, and she said she is in Bejing, but will come to Germany in April. I politely ended the conversation.

The whole story didn’t seem to check out (also the girl seemed “too much into me”). I did some research, and figured out that it was probably a scam.

Sure enough, I was contacted out of the blue by two different Indian dudes, inviting me to join a cryptocurrency investment WhatsApp group.

They want you to put money into cryptocurrency, and it will seem to do well, but you will not be able to retrieve it from there. Don’t do it.

This story led me to being more careful, and now I’ve set up a secondary phone number, and a separate WhatsApp for dating.

the freeloader girl

I matched another girl and started chatting. She asked me to move to WhatsApp quickly, which raised a red flag for me after the Bejing scammer. I told her, let’s meet in real life, if I trust you, I’ll give you my WhatsApp. She basically said OK, do you mind if I bring my five girlfriends, for food and drink? I said: “OK, but everyone pays for themselves”. She said: “No, you pay or no one goes”. I told her that I have a different suggestion: we could meet at her place and I would bring along a bottle of mineral water from ALDI which we could all share, and she would provide the food – didn’t have to be anything special. She unmatched me.

Bumble, K and the black woman

K, the doctor

On Bumble, I matched with K, a doctor. We got started talking about India – K at one point then suggested to have a phone call. I said, great – how about the evening today? She didn’t answer, but came back a couple of days later apologizing. We agreed on another time.

I called her at the agreed upon time (using Bumble), but she didn’t pick up. She then later send me a message: “Sorry, all of this is getting too much for me – here’s my mobile phone number if you still care to call me”.

From a certain perspective she was running away from me, but returning and increasing the stakes every time.

I called her after a couple of days, and she said that she was sick with Corona, and it was not a good moment to speak. I said I’d call in two weeks, and she said fine.

By the way, this was the first time I got to use my new “dedicated dating” phone number.

As I had met T, and didn’t want to waste more time with K (seeing a strong avoidant pattern in her behavior – she runs from intimacy I believe), I then later wrote her that I had met T.

black woman from Frankfurt

I was speaking to a friend about that Tinder and Bumble were not really working for me, and I was planning to go off from them. Exactly a day after this conversation, I matched T in Tinder (see below), and a black woman from Frankfurt in Bumble. (Btw: I’m just mentioning this because she is from Africa, which contributed to my “alarm bells” see below).

The black woman and me had a very good flirting connection from the start. She suggested to switch to a phone call – but I was doing a workout at that time. We agreed to speak the following evening. She also mentioned she had had some issues with Bumble calls before.

When I called her at the agreed time, she wrote me that her father was sick, and she was on the phone to her mother. I said “hey, if you want to reschedule, no problem.” – she told me that she would call in 10 min. I actually missed her call, and tried to call her back, but she said that she was back on the phone with her parents. And that we would reschedule. I agreed reluctantly. In the morning I realized that a red flag had been raised for me – after the Bejing scammer I was extra careful. I was thinking that possibly this is another setup to get money from me (“for the sick father”). I told her that I didn’t feel comfortable speaking to her anymore, and she unmatched me. In retrospect, I think I overreacted. Probably it was genuine. Possibly my attachment anxiety got the upper hand here. On the other hand, she was in Frankfurt, which would have been long-distance anyways.


I matched T on Tinder. T has short hair, which I normally don’t go for – but I was being more flexible after reading “the science of happily ever after”, and am very glad I did. I chatted with T briefly, suggesting that she come to the lake nearby (as she mentioned that she enjyoed the sea). She suggested to meet in town instead, and I immediately set up a date.

T is from Turkey Photo by Meg Jerrard on Unsplash

As an aside, that is also something which the relationship coach on YouTube recommends: when you suggest dates, make a very concrete suggestion (place, time, what).

We met, and this first date with her was the best date of my life. I felt really connected to her. T asked me questions and showed a real interest in me. She is also highly educated, which is a big plus for me. Also I really liked how she said “don’t worry, I’ll pay for us” after I told her the story of the freeloader girl and her 5 friends. I said I would feel uncomfortable on this first date her paying, so we we each paid our own share.

I had the book “The science of happily ever after” with me, as I was still reading it at that point. I discussed attachment types with T, she said she was secure – after hearing a bit about her last relationship I concluded that probably she was.

At the end of the date T got my actual WhatsApp number, as I trusted her. I still do.

I remember going home and thinking: “This is how a great date should look like, where you actually want to see the girl again.” I was reassured, that, indeed, A had not been a good match for me, but here was T who was.

A while later I reached out to her, asking how busy she would be – and set up a second date. T enthusiastically agreed. Which was a novel experience for me!

On the second date, T and I agreed to date exclusively and delete Tinder, as she was going to Turkey for two months. I was feeling good about her, and already liked her a lot, so I decided to take a risk on her. We kissed at the end of the second date. I wrote to her: “I deleted Tinder” when I was on my way home. She wrote “I deleted when you were at the toilet at the bar.”

We set up a third date, where I gave T a toy cat to keep her company in Turkey and remind her of me. She was very happy to receive the cat. We kissed several times on the date, but generally I felt disconnected from her this time. I told her that I would like to accompany her to the train on Saturday (when she would be leaving), and she said she’ll let me know when the train will leave.

After the third date, I was waiting for T to reach out, as she was going to Turkey soon, to set up our fourth date. The fourth date never happened.

As T had not reached out by Wednesday, I was becoming frustrated. I applied Thais emotional processing tool, and came to the conclusion that I wanted clarity from T, whether this would continue, and when she would be available. “How can I give this to myself? -> I need to write to T and suggest a date”.

T replied that she had been thinking and did not want to start a relationship at this time. I assumed that she did not want to pursue things with me anymore, and wrote her a nice goodbye message. By this point I had started to care about T, but was not “in love” with her. I wanted her to be happy, and I wanted to respect and support her.

I realized that T was probably not securely attached, but a fearful avoidant. Like myself. (hence the great connection!) She had experienced too much closeness, and deactivated strongly to protect herself. She probably felt this as doubt and loss of interest in me. I suspect that after several weeks, T will start activating – and might realize that she “made a mistake”. I half expect her to reach out to me, and plan to share this blog post with her (for full transparency), and also bring up attachment theory. After four and a half years with N (who has a dismissive avoidant attachment style), I would prefer to date a secure person, but the connection with T was real – and maybe she is prepared to work on her attachment style. In any case, I genuinely hope that she will find happiness in this life. I respect her choice at this point. She needs something else, and she is the only judge of what she needs.

Fun fact: I also started to deactivate, but I processed through these emotions, and was able to reconnect with my growing feelings for T.

Thank you T for being the first girl I kissed and cared for since N. (And I never had kissed N – not once in four and a half years!)

I was thinking to address the volunteering and the Meetup group with T and get her input on it (fun fact: T is a member – during the initial conversation on Tinder I told her about the group and she joined), but never got around to it. During the phase where we had agreed to date exclusively, I did not do any meetups.

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Identifying dating fakes

How to identify fake profiles on Tinder

Leave a Comment / dating / By Max

My main criterion these days (unfortunately for attractive Asian women) is: if the woman which is shown looks young, attractive and Asian, and the profile is nearly empty / there is a jumble of interests which don’t really fit together, it’s most likely a fake profile.

Today I came across these two profiles directly after another:

(yes, it’s only the name which is different – the age is identical!)

The second picture was identical as well.

These fake profiles – and other “bizarre” daters out there are the reason I got a second phone number – and a second WhatsApp account, just for dating. Keep safe out there.

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Bride of Istanbul

If you like to watch TV series, don’t miss out on Bride of Istanbul. The Turkish transcription is Istanbullu Gelin. Th original Title is İstanbullu Gelin. The word Bölüm means series.

One other great series to check out is Love, black money love Kara Para Aşk
You can read our description Liebe Geld Türkische Serien (will be available soon in other languages).

While the Turkish series according to Wikipedia has 83 chapter, the internationals series has 301 chapters.

The movie is available with Arabian, English, Hebrew subtitles and Spanish and Turkish sound.

The story is about a strong women Esra, who tries to keep her family of four sons together after the death of her husband. All the time the eldest son Faruk and the second eldest son Fikret are managing the tourist company their father left them.

The two other sons are Osman, who has a problem with Astma and cannot work because of it and Murat, who is studying.

The story is about change. Faruk falls in love with Sureja and marries her within three days. She has to constantly get out of intrigues and the bad treating of her husband’s family. However they always unite in love again. In one episode they decide to divorce, she leaves for Prague. Everybody is waiting for their love to fall apart, because they fight all the time. But in court Sureja suddenly says she loves her husband.

Till the end Sureja is helpful and supports Esra no matter what, as she is part of the family. This is not easy as the family goes through a rough time.

In the final Episode you see everyone happy, the children of Sureja and Faruk have grown up and she receives a letter from Esra telling her how she misses everyone.

Definitely a nice move for every Turkish fan. Also be sure to check out Kara para ask.
In Europe I found to sell it on DVD.

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